Monday, December 21, 2009

We found out at the beginning of December that Sadie was born with a very mild form of Poland's Syndrome. The upper part of her left pectoral muscle is missing. This happens between week 6-8, when for some reason the blood isn't flowing properly for a short period of time. It happens 1 in every 10,000 - 100,000 births, and is three times more common in boys than girls and is three times more likely to happen on the right side. She is most likely going to require some kind of physical therapy as she grows and after puberty may require reconstructive surgery to make her left breast match her right. Having said that, she is a VERY LUCKY baby. If she had a more sevier form of the syndrome, she could have a much shorter left arm, webbed fingers on that side, a claw hand, missing all of the pectoral muscle, a backwards heart, and never form a breast, among other things that are too extensive to go into. Her first challenge will be learning to crawl. Only time will tell how she does.
With all that said and done, she is such a GOOD baby! We lover her very much and can't imagine our lives without her.


  1. Glad she isn't as bad as it could have been. Cutie pie!

  2. I am so sorry to hear about Sadie's problems. My prayers will be that she will be better than expected. She is so cute. I am glad that I was in Utah when she was born so I could see her. It made me happy to see how your children were so friendly to me. Love you all, Grandma Willis
