O.K, don't laugh. I have never decorated a cake before. I guess it turned out alright for my very first attempt.

Ethan's trying not to cry as we all sing happy birthday. For some reason it scares him!

Trying to blow out the candles.

Finally caught him smiling! Cute black smile.

Ty before he knew his mouth was black.

Ty finally realized his tongue was black!

I think Rachel enjoyed her cake and ice cream.

Caleb having some cake and ice cream!

Giving daddy a high five to commence the opening of gifts!

Yay, more money! Now I can buy more Star Wars! Thanks Aunt Angela!

A Star Wars space ship that transforms into Darth Vader!

Star Wars action figures! Now he doesn't have to steal any from Matt's Lego set. Lets just say he took them to bed with him!

He unwraps his presents ever so carefully! It's cute!

Another part for his Thomas train set!

He had a GOOD birthday!